Stoke Lodge Primary School


We believe that all pupils deserve access to a quality education, with an opportunity to STAY CURIOUS.

As a result, we provide families with choice about where our school uniform can be purchased. There are a range of options, including branded garments, available from Monkhouse Schoolwear Specialists, and unbranded garments, available from supermarkets and/or high street stores. For families in receipt of the Pupil Premium and/or Free School Meals, we pledge to provide you with the full uniform (including shoes) annually. If additional garments are required, please speak to a member of the team and we will order immediately for you.

So that we can continue to deliver our strong sporting offer, children will also require a PE kit. PE kits can include either the branded  Navy/Green sports shirt or a plain blue round neck t-shirt with navy or black PE shorts for indoor PE and a tracksuit or jogging bottoms for outdoor PE during the colder months. To help us all take responsibility for our uniforms, please ensure all clothing, including PE kits, are named.

Jewellery is not allowed in school for health and safety reasons.  If children have pierced ears then small stud earrings may be worn but tape should be supplied for covering earrings during PE.

We would also like to ask the children who have long hair to bring in a band to tie it back for activities such as sport. Staff will also carry bands so that pupils can tie hair back.

When pupils transition into Year 6, they are presented with the school tie as a mark of responsibility. These are provided by school and are presented at the end of the academic year. Pupils in Year 6 are expected to wear the school tie with a white shirt or blouse, instead of a white polo shirt.


  • White polo shirt (either plain or with school logo)
  • Navy sweatshirt or cardigan (v-neck for Y6)
  • Grey school trousers, skirt or pinafore
  • Black shoes or boots
  • Grey, black, blue or white tights
  • Grey, black, blue or white socks


In Summer the following optional items may be worn:

  • Striped or check dress (in green or dark blue)

Strappy sandals or plastic ‘jelly’ shoes are not appropriate for safety reasons.  There is an expectation that sensible school shoes will be worn and not trainers.

PE Kit

  • Navy/Green logoed T-shirt
  • Black/navy blue shorts
  • Black daps or trainers

Outdoor Games Kit

As for PE kit plus:

  • Navy track suit or jogging bottoms
  • Change of footwear


Children who are swimming should wear sensible costumes or trunks. Long shorts and bikinis are inappropriate. Reminders are sent out to parents when year groups receive details about their allocated swimming sessions for the year.

Assistance with Purchase of School Uniform

As a school we offer support of 100% towards the cost of our essential uniform per academic year if a pupil is in receipt of free schools meals or is recorded as eligible for Pupil Premium.

The school can also cover the cost of educational visits in line with the Trust Charging and Remissions Policy. Support can be provided for residential visits for these pupils. For further information, please speak to a member of the Leadership Team or speak to Mrs Prior and Mrs Hughes in the school office.