Stoke Lodge Primary School


At Stoke Lodge we have worked hard to develop provision for all pupils.

#TeamSLP are committed to developing inclusive cultures, policies and practices to ensure our pupils receive the quality education they deserve. We actively seek to remove barriers to learning that might hinder or exclude individual pupils or groups of pupils. We believe in EQUITY for all.

We recognise that all children have different needs.  Through our planning and assessment procedures we meet those varied needs within the classroom by careful differentiation of work. Our broad and balanced curriculum is designed to inspire all learners and encourage them to STAY CURIOUS. It has a strong focus on the skills required combined with the knowledge and understanding that reflects what our pupils need to believe in themselves, achieve beyond their expectations and succeed and enjoy life. Since the previous inspection, we have used our curriculum as part of our strategy for improving engagement and attendance, particularly for SEN&D and disadvantaged pupils. Our teachers take risks to challenge learners and provide opportunities that make them want to know more.

Our Aims

At Stoke Lodge we:

  • Work within the guidance provided in the SEND Code of Practice 2014.
  • Ensure the SEN and Disability Act and relevant statutory guidance are implemented effectively across the school.
  • Identify and provide for pupils who have special educational needs and additional needs.
  • Ensure equality of opportunity for by eliminating prejudice and discrimination.
  • Continually monitor the progress of all pupils, to identify needs as they arise and to provide support as early as possible.
  • Provide full access to the curriculum through differentiated planning by class teachers, our SENCo and support staff as appropriate.
  • Provide specific input, matched to individual needs, in addition to differentiated classroom provision, for pupils recorded as having SEN Support.
  • Ensure that pupils with SEN&D are perceived positively by all members of the school community, and that SEN&D and inclusion provision is positively valued and accessed by staff and parents/carers.
  • Provide support and advice for all staff working with SEN&D children.
  • Involve parents/carers at every stage in plans to meet their child’s additional needs.
  • Involve pupils themselves in planning and in any decision making that affects them.
  • Ensure access to the curriculum for all pupils including those with SEN&D.

The Graduated Approach & Quality First Teaching

The role of the class teacher is fundamental. Our teachers are supported by the Leadership Team to provide Quality First Teaching. Our class teachers are responsible for personalising learning ensuring that any additional needs are identified and met.

During lessons, class teachers and support staff lead guided groups to focus on a specific skill linked to the learning. All pupils receive support in English and Maths in guided groups. Guided groups may not last the whole lesson, teachers and support staff may work with more than one group. Guided groups can be identified during the lesson using Assessment for Learning strategies (e.g. hinge questions) or pre-planned after marking learning from the previous session.

As a staff, we have been working to develop our expertise to ensure work is pitched appropriately and scaffolded. At Stoke Lodge we know that differentiation does not necessarily mean different tasks, our teachers may differentiate by level of support or even by the way they deliver inputs to individuals or groups of pupils.

If the class teacher or parent raises concerns that a child is not making sufficient progress, an individual Pupil Passport is discussed and agreed with the pupil, parent/carer, class teacher, SENCo or a member of the Leadership Team. Concerns may be raised by the class teacher at a Raising Standards Meeting (Pupil Progress), discussed following a drop-in by members of the Leadership Team, using the QLA following a summative assessment (PiXL paper) or may be noted by the parent. Pupil Passports are regularly reviewed and meetings are held between school and parents/carers to review targets and share progress.


Those children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEN&D) are supported by our Inclusion Lead/Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) Mrs Shelley Trigg.

The school works with a variety of external agencies in order to meet the needs of our pupils. These range from statutory organisations such as Social Services, Educational Psychologist, Speech Therapist and the Health Service to voluntary organisations such as the Southern Brooks Partnership. Since September 2019, we have also appointed two Speech and Language Therapists who work across the Academy Trust supporting individual pupils, groups, class teachers and parents.

Children who are identified as able, gifted and talented are supported through appropriately differentiated activities and challenges.  We ensure that our gifted and talented pupils are given specific opportunities for enrichment

All pupils are treated as equals regardless of their gender, disability or ethnicity.  We value the different experiences all our children bring to Stoke Lodge School.

View our SEND policy here.

Read our School Information Report here.

Click here for our pupil-friendly version of our School Information Report.

Read our 2021 external SEN&D Review here.

Click here to view an overview of our SEN&D provision (School Offer).

Here is the South Glos SEND Local Offer, click here to read.

Pupil Friendly School Information Widget, click here to read.